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1,074 bytes added, 22:23, 15 July 2019
Syntax of acestreamengine --stream-source command
Repository should be selected according to operating system.
''Debian 6+:''
<tt><nowiki>deb squeeze main</nowiki></tt>
Note: packages in sid repository are assembled with dependencies that correspond to official sid-repositories of Debian.
If you don't know, which repository to choose, use squeeze.
''Debian 7:''
<tt><nowiki>deb wheezy main</nowiki></tt>
''Ubuntu 11.10:''
''Ubuntu 12.10:''
<tt><nowiki>deb quantal main</nowiki></tt>
''Ubuntu 13.04:''
<tt><nowiki>deb raring main</nowiki></tt>
'''Step 2'''
For Debian only the engine (acestream-engine) is available.
=== Installing ACE Stream package on Ubuntu from deb-package ===
You can install ACE Stream on Ubuntu without using repository. To do this you need to download the installation package by one of links below and install it using a package manager (for example, by double click on downloaded package).
This intallation package is an analog of <tt>acestream-full</tt> package from repository. It includes the engine, player and plug-in for browsers.
=== Installing Ace Stream on the CentOS ===
* installed python 2.6
* installed module python-argparse
To install Ace Stream on CentOS you need:
* download an archive that corresponds to your CentOS version (links are below)
* extract files from archive and copy contents to /usr dir
The following packages are available at this moment:
*'''CentOS 5 64bit''':
*'''CentOS 6 64bit''':
This package was tested on CentOS 5.8 and 6.3.
==Launching broadcast==
From September, 10, 2013, upgraded version of the engine (2.1.6) for Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS is available.
A Before using a new version is available for testing at the following links:production, we recommend to test it on one or several broadcasts, if possible.
'''Ubuntu''':******** '''Debian''':*** '''CentOS 6''':* In the repository old versions are available so far (2.0.8). Before using a new version for full, we recommend to test it on one or several broadcasts, if possible. If you face any problems, please, write to the forum ( or on email
Old versions are temporarily available in repository and by direct links:
** instead of <tt>acestreamengine-client-console</tt> you should launch <tt>acestreamengine --client-console</tt>
** instead of <tt>acestreamengine-client-gtk</tt> you should launch <tt>acestreamengine --client-gtk</tt>
* log system is changed. In old versions the engine deduced output all debug information into STDERR and redirecting the output was required to write logs into a file. In a new version it is possible to define in options, where to write logs - into STDOUT, into STDERR, into a file or syslog. Rotation of logs by their size is supported for files. Read You can read description of all options in [[#acestreamengine command|acestreamengine command]]
===acestreamengine command===
* <tt>--log-backup-count COUNT</tt> - how many backup logs have to be stored (backup log file is created when a limit, specified by a parameter --log-max-size, is reached)
* <tt>--log-file-buffer SIZE</tt> - enable buffering of output into the file (using buffer of specified size in bytes)
* <tt>--log-syslog HOST</tt> - deduce information in syslog-сервер server at the specified address
* <tt>--log-syslog-port PORT</tt> - syslog-server port
* <tt>--log-syslog-facility FACILITY</tt> - used facility
The source accepts HTTP-stream to input (at this moment HTTP-streams with MPEG-TS encapsulation are supported) with original broadcast and creates a file with acelive extension after the launch. This file is a unique identifier of broadcast and it is used for connection and playback by clients.
===Syntax of acestreamengine--stream -source command===<tt>acestreamengine--stream-source</tt> command launches broadcast source.
''required parameters''
*<tt>--cache-dir CACHE_DIR</tt> - directory for creating service files (broadcast cache and others)
*<tt>--publish-dir PUBLISH_DIR</tt> - directory, in which acelive-file will be created
*<tt>--piecesize PIECESIZE</tt> - piece size in bytes , power of two (if it's not specified, it's set automatically depending on bitrate)
*<tt>--duration DURATION</tt> - size of broadcast cache in format HH:MM:SS (by default, one hour: 01:00:00)
*<tt>--host HOST</tt> - set address of local tracker manually
*<tt>--provider-key PROVIDER_KEY</tt> - provider's key (only for commercial broadcasts)
*<tt>--maxclients MAXCLIENTS</tt> - maximum number of peers, on which data from the source are given simultaneously
*<tt>--showlog-piecesdebug DEBUG</tt> - show set the debug level (default is 0 - minimum log level)*<tt>--source-read-timeout SECONDS</tt> - timeout for reading data from the original source (in log numbers seconds). Default is 30.*<tt>--source-reconnect-interval SECONDS</tt> - interval is seconds, after which the engine will try to reconnect to the original source in case of pieces connection lost. Default is 5.*<tt>--pid-file-dir PATH</tt> - the directory where engine's pid file is created. Default is /tmp.*<tt>--provider-key</tt> - provider key (for an affiliate program)*<tt>--sid</tt> - content identificator for statistics(for an affiliate program)*<tt>--permanent</tt> - mark the broadcast as they are created24/7 (it's available all the time)*<tt>--date-start YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss</tt> - set the data and time of the broadcast start (for the broadcasts which runs during a limited time)*<tt>--date-end YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss</tt> - set the data and time of the broadcast end(for the broadcasts which runs during a limited time)*<tt>--premium</tt> - request a "premium" status for the broadcast*<tt>--upload-limit</tt> - limit upload speed (bytes/s, default is 0 - don't limit)*<tt>--max-connections</tt> - limit total number of connections (default is 1000)*<tt>--showmax-peers</tt> - periodically show in log list limit number of connected connections to other peers(default is 50)*<tt>--service-remote-access</tt> - enable remote statistics*<tt>--service-access-token</tt> - password for remote statistics access*<tt>--stats-report-interval</tt> - interval in seconds between internal statistics update (default is 60)*<tt>--debug DEBUGstats-report-peers</tt> - set debug levelupdate information about connected peers in the internal statistics (increases CPU load)
*<tt>-h, --help</tt> - show commands' description
=== Syntax of acestreamengine--stream-node command===<tt>acestreamengine--stream-node</tt> command launches support node.
''required parameters''
*<tt>--allow-support-download</tt> - allow receiving data from other support nodes
*<tt>--allow-peers-download</tt> - allow receiving data from ordinary peers
*<tt>--max-incoming-connects MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTSconnections MAX_CONNECTIONS</tt> - maximum limit number of incoming total connections (from other peers) (by default: is 1000)*<tt>--max-outgoing-connects MAX_OUTGOING_CONNECTSpeers MAX_PEERS</tt> - maximum limit number of outgoing connections (to other peers) (by default: is 50)
*<tt>--max-upload-slots MAX_UPLOAD_SLOTS</tt> - maximum number of peers, on which data from support node are given simultaneously (by default: 7)
*<tt>--max-download-speed MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED</tt> - maximum download speed (byte/s). By default: 0 (no restrictions).
*<tt>--max-upload-speed MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED</tt> - maximum upload speed (byte/s). By default: 0 (no restrictions).
*<tt>--showlog-piecesdebug DEBUG</tt> -show in set the debug level (default is 0 - minimum log numbers of pieces as they are createdlevel)*<tt>--service-remote-access</tt> - enable remote statistics*<tt>--showservice-peersaccess-token</tt> - periodically show in log list of connected peers password for remote statistics access*<tt>--stats-report-interval STATS_REPORT_INTERVAL</tt> - set interval in seconds to show in log information about download/upload speep. By between internal statistics update (default: 0 (do not showis 60).*<tt>--debug DEBUGstats-report-peers</tt> - set debug levelupdate information about connected peers in the internal statistics (increases CPU load)
We launch the source on server
<tt>acestreamengine--stream -source \
--name "test" \
--title "Test broadcast" \
--publish-dir "/home/www/streams" \
--cache-dir "/tmp/streams" \
--add-authorized-peers \ > /tmp/test-source.log 2>&1</tt>
The last line is used to write logs into file /tmp/test-source.log. By default <tt>acestreamengine--stream-source</tt> shows outputs all debug information in console in STDERRthe STDOUT.
<tt>--add-authorized-peers</tt> option adds the list of authorized nodes to acelive-file (in this case, it's the source:
In this example we assume that XBT Tracker is installed and launched on server
Now broadcast's launch will look like:
<tt>acestreamengine--stream -source \
--name "test" \
--title "Test broadcast" \
--add-authorized-peers \
--skip-internal-tracker \
--tracker "udp://" \ > /tmp/test-source.log 2>&1</tt>
<tt>--skip-internal-tracker</tt> option disconnects embedded tracker, <tt>--tracker</tt> option connects external tracker.
using <tt>--support-node</tt> option:
<tt>acestreamengine --supportstream-node</tt>: <tt>acestreamengine-stream source \
--name "test" \
--title "Test broadcast" \
--tracker "udp://" \
--support-node "" \
--support-node "" \ > /tmp/test-source.log 2>&1</tt>
Launch support nodes on servers and (commands are the same):
<tt>acestreamengine--stream-node \
--url "<nowiki></nowiki>" \
--state-dir "/tmp" \
--source-node "" \
--allow-source-download \ > /tmp/test-node.log 2>&1</tt>
Option <tt>--source-node</tt> sets source address.
On server it will look like:
<tt>acestreamengine--stream-node \
--url "<nowiki></nowiki>" \
--state-dir "/tmp" \
--allow-source-download \
--support-node "" \
--allow-support-download \ > /tmp/test-node.log 2>&1</tt>
On server
<tt>acestreamengine--stream-node \
--url "<nowiki></nowiki>" \
--state-dir "/tmp" \
--allow-source-download \
--support-node "" \
--allow-support-download \ > /tmp/test-node.log 2>&1</tt>
====Private source with two support nodes====
To make the source private, option <tt>--private-source</tt> must be specified:
<tt>acestreamengine--stream -source \
--name "test" \
--title "Test broadcast" \
--support-node "" \
--support-node "" \
--private-source \ > /tmp/test-source.log 2>&1</tt>
Notice that in this configuration tracker's address is changed to <tt>udp://</tt>. It was made to support old versions of clients, which do not process a list of authorized peers (more details here [[#Authorized peers|Authorized peers]]).
Launch support nodes on servers and as usual:
<tt>acestreamengine--stream-node \
--url "<nowiki></nowiki>" \
--state-dir "/tmp" \
--source-node "" \
--allow-source-download \ > /tmp/test-node.log 2>&1</tt>