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Premium Broadcasts/en

Revision as of 17:09, 22 September 2014 by Ankiria (talk | contribs) (Создание премиум-трансляции)
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Creation of a premium broadcast

To create a premium broadcast you have to specify parameter --premium when starting a source of the broadcast.

For premium broadcasts some parameters of a command acestreamengine --stream-source are mandatory:

  • --provider-key - content provider key
  • --sid - broadcast for statistics ID

Also you have to specify for a premium broadcast whether it is 24-hour (parameter --permanent) or specify a date of start and end for the broadcast with limited broadcasting time (parameter --date-start and --date-end)

Content provider key

32-digit unique identifier for broadcasts' organizer.

ID for statistics

Custom alphanumeric identifier of a broadcast, which is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Valid characters: numbers, letters, symbols "-" and "_".


Example of launching 24 hours premium broadcast:

acestreamengine \
    --stream-source \
    --name "test_premium" \
    --title "Test Premium" \
    --source "" \
    --source-reconnect-interval 20 \
    --port 7767 \
    --bitrate 320000 \
    --publish-dir "/home/www/default/streams" \
    --cache "/home/streams" \
    --add-authorized-peers \
    --duration "00:10:00" \
    --premium \
    --provider-key "01234567890123456789012345678901" \
    --sid "test-premium" \